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HONR 212: Nuclear Energy: Find Articles

Useful Library Databases

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Classmate Research Tips

  • Read through the introduction to decide if it's something you want to to continue reading
  • Look for the important stuff, not small bits of information
  • Use multiple sources to discuss one topic
  • Do the research in advance
  • Get it done early and often, before you even start writing, to save stress down the road
  • Highlight and take notes on your sources that you print out
  • Try many different databases, even if you think they may not apply
  • Use filters when searching in the databases
  • Use all the fields and filter options - it narrows everything down well
  • Use Academic Search Ultimate and JSTOR
  • Make searches short and specific
  • Use the SU Library to find a good database
  • Use Google Scholar then search the article of your choosing on SU Libraries
  • Practice makes perfect

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