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ENVR 460: Ewers: Home

Photojournalism Profile Story Assignment

Each student will submit an illustrated story of 2,000 words or more, based on research and interview(s) - - profiling an individual, place, or occupation important to Chesapeake Bay and/or the Bay region.    

You will be given the opportunity to virtually look through stacks of reputable journals, looking for an example of good photojournalism that speaks to you.  

This will be an opportunity to work with your faculty member and your ENVR librarian to learn more about the current literature in the field of photojournalism.

Some of the journals we'll be using include: National Geographic, Smithsonian, Sports Illustrated, Outdoors, Backpacker, Chesapeake Bay Magazine, Nautilus, Rolling Stone, and National Wildlife.

 by Drew Rush.  All rights reserved - used with personal permission.  

