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This guide is created primarily for the students in SOWK 302 Human Behavior in the Social Environment II/SOWK 630 Theoretical Analysis II course.


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Advocacy, Empowerment, and Awareness of Population-at-Risk Assignment

In this course we review various macro roles and theories related to human behavior in the social environment.  For this assignment, students will consider a population-at-risk and a problem local to his/her community. The assignment will be submitted in two parts, a 2-3 page Introduction and a 6-8 page critical analysis. Students are required to prepare a digital poster presentation summarizing the population, community problem, theoretical perspective, and innovation. Posters will be presented during the last week of the semester.


Introduction:  A 2-3 page introduction that identifies a population that is at risk and the factors (current and historical) that place the population at risk. In the proposal students will identify a problem that exists within their community that impacts their chosen population-at-risk, and discuss how the community experiences, perceives, and reacts to the problem. Students will utilize and include in their introduction information from local resources (e.g. newspapers, agency and government publications, personal and professional experiences). At least 2-3 local sources should be cited. Additionally, a preliminary literature search with a brief citation of 2-3 relevant empirical, peer-reviewed articles must be included in the introduction. (75 points)


Paper: Students will submit a 6-8 page paper that demonstrates critical analysis of the community problem and the impact upon the population-at-risk identified in the introduction. The paper should show understanding from a theoretical perspective of the population-at-risk, the problem or issue within the community, resources and programs that attempt to address the problem, and macro roles and ethical responsibilities of social workers to advocate and empower the population-at-risk to address the problem. Students will discuss the results of the literature search and present information about the problem and how the literature and theoretical perspective informs their critical analysis (2-3 empirical sources are required). The paper should address the components below. (100 points)



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Mou Chakraborty