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Nursing: Streaming Videos

Counseling & Therapy videos


The library has acquired several streaming videos on nursing and related health sciences topic. Some may be embedded in your MyClasses courses. You can also find these streaming videos through the Classic Catalog. Here's how:


Sample streaming media titles

Streaming videos from Medcom

  1. VID78811A-T Assessment of the Newborn: The First 10 Minutes (w/Video) (1 hr) 
  2. VID78811B-T Assessment of the Newborn: The Head to Toe Assessment (w/Video) (1 hr) 
  3. VID78811ER-T Assessment of the Newborn: Gestational Age and Newborn Reflexes (w/Video)
     (1 hr) 
  4. VID78798FR-T Obstetrical Nursing: Assisted Delivery and Cesarean Section (w/Video) (0.5 hr) 
  5. VID78798HR-T Obstetrical Nursing: Caring for the Postpartum Patient (w/Video) (0.5 hr) 
  6. VIDM269A-T Respiratory Distress in the Pediatric Patient: Anatomy, Physiology, and Breath Sounds (w/Video) (0.5 hr) 
  7. VIDM269B-T Respiratory Distress in the Pediatric Patient: Assessment and Intervention (w/Video) (0.5 hr)
  8. VIDBCSM281C-T Basic Math for Nurses: Calculating Oral, Parenteral, and Pediatric Dosages
  9. Basic Math for Nurses: Dosage Calculation (w/Video)
  10. VID78811C-T Assessment of the Newborn: Cardiopulmonary Assessment and Cardiac Anomalies (w/Video) (1 hr)  