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Instruction Upper Division: Assignment review (5 minutes)

What will students do in your session?

Broaden or narrow a research statement or question based on research interest and resources found.

Search subject specific databases to identify journal articles on a topic.

Request materials not owned by the library using Interlibrary Loan when warranted.

Search for sources using a citation or bibliography.

Critically evaluate sources based on disciplinary standards.

Choose most appropriate source types to support an argument or outline a topic in a long research paper or other assignment.

Distinguish between primary and secondary sources.

Strategically select from a variety of source types to support an argument or outline a topic in a long research paper or other assignment.

Cite sources using a citation style appropriate for the discipline if one exists.

Recognize issues of intellectual property and copyright.

Assignment and research approach review

Taking a basic research approach early on may help you to start exploring facts, opinions/arguments/questions, and the relevancy and quality of sources that you discover. This guide is organized to address each of the following:

1. Evidence (primary sources: official web sources, books, articles)
2. Contextual facts (tertiary sources: encyclopedias, almanacs, chronologies, etc)
3. Established understandings  (library catalog: books)
4. Specific scholarly "conversations" (library databases: journal articles)
5. Citing evidence (Easybib and/or style manuals)
6. Drafts & revisions (research librarians & learning commons)

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