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ENGL 300 Quintana Wulf

A general research approach

Taking a basic research approach early on may help you to start exploring facts, opinions/arguments/questions, and the relevancy and quality of sources that you discover. Each draft is an opportunity to review and sometimes replace the sources from which you draw support/evidence.

1. Older, established literature criticism and theory  (library catalog: books)
2. Facts and biographical (tertiary sources: literary encyclopedias, almanacs, [auto] biographies, etc)
3. Specific scholarly "conversations" (library databases: journal articles)
4. Citing evidence (source citation: MLA 8, RefWorks)
5. Drafts & revisions (lots of support: research librarians & learning commons)

Assignment source guidelines

"you need to find, read, and use at least 2 secondary sources: they can be either literary criticism, sources that help you understand the social and cultural contexts for the literary texts, or literary theory that can help you establish a critical framework for your analysis." Dr. Quintana Wulf