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THEA 301: Find books

History of Theatre II

SU Libraries Map

Map of the first floor of the library

+Search for books

Searching the Catalog

Tips to remember:

Searching by "Relevancy Only" ensures the most accurate match in your results. You can always request the book if Salisbury does not have it.

Limit your searches by "Format" on the left side of the page.

If you find something that works, take a look at the Subject Terms that items uses. Add that to your list of search terms.

Where Do I Find This Book?

A Call Number is like an address for the book. Once you find it in the catalog, you can copy/paste it into the Call Number Locator to see where it lives in the library!


There are over 100,000 Ebooks in the SU Library collection. Ebooks can be used 24/7 from any computer with an internet connection.