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MGMT 350: Find Articles

Human Resource Management

+In the research process: ARTICLES

1. Explore topic basics (casual searching)

2. Background (books and reference sources)

3. Research (library databases)

4. Support your argument (source citation)

5. Drafts & revisions (research librarians & learning commons)


Access SU Libraries Databases

Tips for Searching Databases

Use keywords. 

Combine keywords with boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT).

If your research involves a company, search by the ticker symbol of that company, if available.

If you are doing industry research, search by industry code when possible.

+Search Recommended Databases

+Search Library Holdings

Use this box to search for articles, books, ebooks, CDs, DVDs, and more!

Search in:

Switch to Advanced Search

Popular vs. Scholary Sources

Search by journal/publication title to check for electronic access

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Do you have a citation and need to find the article?

Use the library's CitationLinker tool. Identify parts of the citation and use what you know to search for the article.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)