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PHYS 470: Find books

+In the research process: BOOKS

1. Explore topic basics (casual web searching)

2. Background (library catalog: books)

3. Current research (library databases: journal articles)

4. Support your argument (source citation)

5. Drafts & revisions (research librarians & learning commons)

    +Search for books

    Keywords:  wave function  quantum  system

    1. wave function

    2. add "quantum system" - notice your results are more specific

    3. Limit results to BOOKS under format on the left side of your screen.


    Use this box to search for articles, books, ebooks, CDs, DVDs, and more!

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    WorldCat searches the collections of academic libraries worldwide. If you can't make the trip to the library that owns the item you need, you can also request the item for free via interlibrary loan.


    There are over 100,000 Ebooks in Library's collection. Ebooks can be used 24/7 from any computer with an internet connection.

    Google Book Project

    Google Book Search