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Diversity and Inclusion Resources for Curricula: General Teaching Resources

Established in 2016, the Social Justice, Equity, and Teaching Transformation (SETT-SU) Faculty Learning Community gathers regularly to discuss classroom concerns and university-wide issues related to diversity. We have built our interdisciplinary community on relationships of trust and care and a commitment to social justice work. One important aspect of the work we do together is resource-sharing. We collaboratively seek out and share the tools, materials, and texts we can use to become better educators and to integrate into our curricula knowledge and ideas that reflect diverse perspectives.

This Diversity and Inclusion Resource for Curricula Library Guide attempts to broaden our resource-sharing efforts to the larger Salisbury University community. In this Guide, you will find texts, materials, and tools that can support your teaching in several ways. You might use the Guide to increase your own knowledge or understanding of diversity and inclusion and/or to find course materials you can use to enhance your students’ learning within your discipline.

On each page of the Guide, you will find resources related to an identity category organized by resource type such as videos, books, academic articles, teaching activities, websites, and popular magazine and newspaper articles. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but rather a place to start when exploring diversity issues, theories, teaching approaches, and perspectives. We welcome your feedback about how you’ve used the Guide, personally or pedagogically.

Syllabus Statements


This course supports Salisbury University’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. Therefore, it focuses on or addresses in some measure race, class, gender, sexual orientation, religion and spirituality, ability/disability, nationality and/or ethnicity - to list just a few ways to name diversity – as intersecting subjects of study. We all share responsibility for the education process through engaged participation, and one of the best ways that we can learn from one another is by creating a learning environment of respect, compassion, honesty, and openness, and interest in one another and our beliefs, opinions, and ideas.

As the professor, I am also accountable for teaching you how to thoughtfully express and evaluate ideas. Developing the skills to articulate your ideas and support them with evidence is an important aspect of this class and college and necessary life skill.  If we fail to meet the expectations outlined in this statement at any time, please let me know as soon as possible.  As your instructor, I am committed to supporting every student in the class in their progress towards these stated goals and objectives.

FOOD & HOUSING INSECURITY - Created by Dr. Erin Stutelberg 

Any student who has difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or who lacks a safe and/or stable place to live, and believes this may affect their performance in the course, is urged to contact the Student Affairs Office (410-543-6080; for support (information on emergency fund grants here: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.).  In addition, there is a Food for the Flock free student food pantry on campus located on the basement floor of the Dining Commons by the SU Bookstore (1204 Camden Ave.; Please speak to your professor about your food or housing insecurity if you are comfortable doing so. This will enable her to provide any additional resources that she may possess.

FORMS OF ADDRESS: NAMES AND PRONOUNS - Created by University of Maryland, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Equity Center

Many people might go by a name in daily life that is different from their legal name. In this classroom, we seek to refer to people by the names that they go by. Pronouns can be a way to affirm someone's gender identity, but they can also be unrelated to a person's identity. They are simply a public way in which people are referred to in place of their name (e.g. "he" or "she" or "they" or "ze" or something else). In this classroom, you are invited (if you want to) to share what pronouns you go by, and we seek to refer to people using the pronouns that they share. The pronouns someone indicates are not necessarily indicative of their gender identity.





Decolonizing Pedagogy

This guide was created by the Social Justice, Equity, and Teaching Transformation Faculty Learning Community (SETT-SU FLC) and Angeline Prichard, Research & Instructional Librarian. SETT-SU FLC is made up of faculty members from various departments across campus who share an interest in learning how to effectively teach topics of diversity and implement pedagogical choices that respect and affirm diversity in our classrooms.

If you have any suggested resources you think should be added to the guide, please submit them here!

Send any questions or comments about the guide to SETT-SU FLC co-facilitators Becky Anthony or Erin Stutelberg.